“Accolades – Delivery of New Factory Built Sling 2 ZU-IVO serial number 114I have the distinct pleasure in posting my accolades to the Team at Airplane Factory for the Exceedingly Superior quality of the delivery this past friday of my new Sling 2. ZU-IVO is my second Sling, the first was serial number 44 which I shared with Jack Kirton. We decided to each have our own aircraft.There was no doubt that in the early days the odd snag presented itself. Frustrations ensued and understandably us being in Durban made resolution of some of the snags awkward but without fail each and every snag was resolved, sometimes with us taking the machine to Tedderfield and very often Airplane Factory coming down to Cato Ridge.ZU-IVO was delivered faultlessly without a snag. That to me, fussy as I am, and with such a complex machine is an incredible feat.Well done – Airplane Factory!” Ivor Smith