“I’m sitting on my bed in Cambridge, in my friend Tim Parsonson’s home after a wonderful flight from Switzerland to Top Farm – Sling Central in the UK.
My flying trip is essentially over save for a little hop or two around the UK.
I’ve missed out on various sections – Panarea, flying to Switzerland and everything since. Mike and his wife Sue came through to the EAS (Experimental Aircraft Association Switzerland) annual event at Bressaucourt, where we also met the ETH eSling student team, who made a presentation. Mike and I felt very proud. We also took the time to fly all 15 project students in ZU-SHW, and we talked, ate and drank a great deal.
Yesterday morning I flew with Sue (who recently got her PPL) to Birrfeld, home of the EAS, and close to Zurich and ETH, with some Alpine sightseeing en route – see photos below. Two of the ETH students joined us as tour guides. The afternoon was spent inspecting the eSling project – sadly she doesn’t yet have the paperwork required to fly. That’ll take place within the month though.
And then this morning, I flew on to Le Touquet, just south of Calais, to clear Schengen customs, and on to Headcorn and Top Farm. Another two ETH students came along for the ride – oh to be young again!
SHW is safely parked at Sling Central, UK, and I’m feeling quite a powerful mixture of sadness and relief that everything worked so well.
It’s time to turn in but I’ll take some moments in the next couple of weeks to fill in some of the gaps, especially my solo flight from Italy to Switzerland, and my travails over the Alps. Meanwhile, here’re a couple of shots of Bressaucourt, the Alps and today’s hop to Top Farm.”
– James

Lunch with eSling students at Bressaucourt.

Rebranding SHW.

Checking out the Alps with Sue and the ETH students.

Alpine Lake.

Getting up the valleys.


Checking out Matterhorn Mountain.

The other side of the Matterhorn.

The three glaciers.

Mighty Eiger Mountain north face emerging.

The north face.

Approaching Birrfeld.

At eSling Central – Dübendorf.

To England with more eSling students.

Quick cycle to coffee at Le Touquet.

Le Touquet beach.

The White Cliffs of Dover.