It’s 22h40 here in Majuro and we woke up about 2 hours ago for supper. The plan was to leave at 06h00 tomorrow morning, fly 12 hours to Micronesia, try clear customs, fill up, check the plane, find a hotel, eat, sleep, fly another 11 hours to Biak the next day, same, then 12 to Balikpapan the next, then another 12 to KL, then 10 to Colombo, before one day’s rest, then two overnight flights and so on. It just seems a bit crazy. We haven’t got food or drink for tomorrow, haven’t filed a flight plan and so on. More importantly, we haven’t had any opportunity to check over the plane, which raises safety questions.
After a long discussion we’ve therefore decided to take a day’s rest here and also before each of the other legs, so that we get back home one week later. We’ve got such mixed feelings and it seems like such a disappointment, but to push on and place our lives at risk for the benefit of one week doesn’t seem worth it at any level. So the sad news is that we’ll only be seeing you guys on Sat 29 August, but we can’t wait and it’ll mean even more excitement when we do.
We love you (and that includes you Michael!)James and Mike