Expect rain and overcast conditions 3-5 hours into the flight, wind 094/17 @ 7500ft Condition will start improving 700nm from Majuro (09h00 into flight) with low cloud up to 5000ft and high cloud at 25,000ft with no rain expected between the 2 layers – wind 078/20 @ 7500ft Majority of the middle cloud are right of track for the first 6 hours, high cloud present 10-11 hours into flight. 500nm from Hawaii, possibility of low cloud at 6000ft, clear above – wind 072/20 @ 7500ft Approaching Hawaii, few cloud @ 3000ft and scattered at 4500ft – 078/22 @ 7500 ft Freezing level 17,000ft enroute. Estimated flying time 22h30 at forecast winds.
The weather site will be updated with the necessary ATC links, satellite image, Hawaii radar and San Francisco HF for sector CWP.